The focus of Max Ag Consulting is on providing advice and services to farmers to increase their overall yields and most importantly, their profitability.
We currently service over 275,000 acres in west-central Saskatchewan, with our trade area including Rosetown, Kindersley, Biggar, Kerrobert, Unity, and west to the Alberta border.
Our services include full-service scouting, SWAT MAPS variable-rate fertilizer and seed, Crop Intelligence soil moisture probes, SWAT WATER precision moisture maps, and fertility planning. We also are a dealer for Climate Fieldview and Satshot. Please scroll down for more information on all of these services.
Full Service Scouting
This program is an all-encompassing agronomy consulting service consisting of:
a) Field Walks - Occurs throughout the season to determine soil temperature, seeding depth, emergence, insect prevalence, plant stand observations, pest control applications & products, herbicide efficacy, fertilizer top dress applications & timing, plant disease assessments, pre-harvest/desiccation timing, and post-harvest assessments.
b) Planning - Preparation and assistance with planning for the crop year including: soil sampling, fertility recommendations, crop rotation, herbicide/fungicide and insecticide requirement, historical field information, data analysis including yield maps (if applicable), cost/profit breakdown.
c) Reporting - Preparation of reports on all field walks, observations and plans on FarmQA scouting software, which will allow the customer access to all of their scouting reports at their convenience.
d) On-Call Service - Provide customized advice and recommendations throughout the year on a priority basis.
e) Additional Services - ability to customize our offerings based according to the needs of our customers.

Crop Intelligence Soil Moisture Probes
Crop Intelligence utilizes soil moisture probe and weather station data to derive the water-driven yield potential of that specific area. This will in turn provide us with information to help us to make better decisions regarding:
a) Top Dress Fertilizer Applications
b) Fungicide Applications
c) Timing of Insect Prevalence
d) Developing Field-by-Field Yield Targets based off subsoil moisture
e) Optimize yield potential by understanding different crops' rooting zones.
f) Understanding the specific water use efficiency of that field and crop.

Fertility Planning
While we believe that SWAT MAPS are the best choice for proper fertilizer applications, we understand that it may not be a fit for everyone. We are committed to providing the best fertility advice no matter the fertility strategy implemented. Utilizing our area knowledge and expertise, we offer a complete fertility plan starting from soil sampling & analysis to individual field fertility recommendations.

Other Partnerships
Climate FieldView
Max Ag is an official dealer for Climate FieldView, which is a data connectivity platform through Bayer CropScience. This platform provides our customers with the ability to be able to properly track their equipment applications, including fertilizer/seed rates, pesticide applications, as well as harvest yield data. Through FieldView’s API with SWAT Records, we are then able to push and pull the SWAT MAPS, as well as maps developed on FieldView to be able to analyze any pertinent data. One of the main functions that Max Ag uses FieldView for is to analyze yield data to better understand yield per SWAT zone to better develop future yield targets, and also to better understand our nutrient use efficiency within a field for any given year.

Farm QA
Max Ag utilizes the FarmQA Scouting platform for developing customized scouting reports and maps for our Full Service Scouting clients. FarmQA’s willingness to connect with other companies has made them a valuable partner for Max Ag with the ability to develop additional applications in the future.
SatShot is Max Ag’s satellite imagery partner, and is used for assessing plant biomass differences throughout the season, as well as developing in-season prescriptions when needed for applications such as fungicide and desiccation which can be heavily dependent on that specific year’s growing conditions.